My CDs aren't CDs anymore. Well, there are still CDs, but the plastic
is obsolete, out on display in mostly alphabetical order, while what
I'm listening to, almost exclusively is a copy made with magnetic
fields and fancy stuff like that. My CDs are now directories or
subdirectories. I should probably go back to calling them albums or
something like that, but they've become CDs by now.
Of course, that takes me back to the question of coatracks and whether
my dresser is a coatrack, and if, by extension, a plethora of everyday
objects are likewise coatracks. But that kind of thinking defeats the
purpose of a word, negates the images and connotations, permutations
and combinations, of a word that's been around the block a few
Curses! Coatrack isn't in my Dictionary of Etymology! Nor is it in
either of two small paperback dictionaries or a small paperback
Japanese-English dictionary... Nor is it in the German-English
dictionary, a book the size of the Dictionary of Etymology --
weapon-sized books.
Meanwhile, tonight I have my sweater hanging on the coat hook
on the back of the door to this room (that one was in the
German-English dictionary, Kleiderhaken). Compound word
considerations might be involved here, but German is great with
compound words. I'd surely be justified in sticking the relevant words
together in German to make my coatrack. But I already put the
dictionary away.
And the hook will do for now. Hooks always do. But I'll probably
forget my sweater.
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